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How does an idle management solution help my dealership sell/buy idle parts?

Being matched with other dealerships looking to buy/sell parts can help move your idle faster and more effectively.
Idle parts can become a big problem for your dealership. Not only do these parts hurt your bottom line, but they also take up physical space that could be used for faster moving parts. Once a part is considered idle (not selling for 9-12 months), it has a very low likelihood of ever selling.

As a seller of idle parts, using an idle management system or brokering service can quickly find buyers for your idle inventory and sell parts at a discount, helping you regain the otherwise lost investment.

As a buyer with an idle management system or brokering service, parts requests are matched to a seller. Instead of waiting a long time to get these parts from other resources, these sellers can ship the parts quickly to you. Another huge plus? The idle parts you are buying are often marked down from the retail prices.

When searching for idle management solutions, keep in mind a few key questions to ask before you decide what will be the best option for your department.

  1. What is the cost to sell or buy idle using this service?
  2. Who can I contact if I have questions or need to change my rules for my offers?
  3. Are the selling and buying rules customizable for my offers I receive?
  4. Can I coordinate shipping through my brokerage service?

With these key features in mind, pick an idle management solution that works best for you and your team. OEC PartsBrokerDirect is easy to use and has no set up or subscription fees to get started. For more information, click here.

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