Here’s the Part that Makes Repair Research Fast and Easy
The RepairLogic™ Repair Planning Platform is driving safety, trust, and transparency in vehicle repair by providing a faster and easier way to create comprehensive repair plans using genuine OEM repair procedures.
About RepairLogic
The RepairLogic Repair Planning Platform promotes safe & proper repair through easy access to OEM repair information, digital collaboration tools, and advanced documentation capabilities.
Fast & Easy
RepairLogic is over 2x as fast as existing processes, with more than half of procedures automatically added to repairs
“We had a full time person, all she did was research. Now she’s also my estimator and repair planner… It doubled efficiency.”
Repairers say they typically need two or three different sources to find all information necessary for a repair, but RepairLogic contained all necessary information for nearly every completed repair. By doing so, RepairLogic improves consistency and helps shops deliver quality repair outcomes.
Improved Repair Outcomes
The vast majority of shop leaders state that RepairLogic empowers their teams to research more often than before.
“Having RepairLogic helps us to complete and justify safe and proper repairs.”
Optimized Parts Procurement
Almost half of repairs contained one-time use parts that would have been missed without RepairLogic. By consistently including these missed parts, shops minimize supplements and improve profitability.
Advances Collaboration
Repair plans were shared within the repair team, with carriers and with vehicle owners – fostering teamwork, reducing supplement and instilling confidence in the attention to detail.
“RepairLogic leads to less finger pointing, which has been great for team building.”
Featured Resource
Download Now: RepairLogic Field Report, Vol. 3
Get the latest insights into repair planning, procedure updates, EV repairs, & more from the RepairLogic Field Report, vol. 3.
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