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You Need to Sell Parts on eBay – Let’s Make this the Easy Part.
Gain access to millions of new customers by featuring your part listings on eBay. A part is sold every second on eBay – and MarketplaceDirect gets your OE parts listed and visible to buying customers as quickly and easily as possible.

Streamline Your Workflow

Now for the easy part. Selling parts online can be a time-consuming process that requires entering product features, diagrams and compatible vehicles. MarketplaceDirect makes the online selling process easy by using information and diagrams from the automaker.

You just need to choose the parts to sell, enter a pricing formula, and MarketplaceDirect® does the rest!

Quick, Easy Listing

It doesn’t get easier than this:

  • Our award-winning Customer Success team will set you up on MarketplaceDirect
  • From there, upload a list of the parts and the prices you want to set – that’s it

Top-Tier Customer Service

  • MarketplaceDirect provides seamless and timely order status and shipping information to your customers
  • You don’t have to worry about managing notifications or customer communication—it’s all automated through MarketplaceDirect

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Marketplace Direct Brochure

Learn more about Marketplace Direct from OEC.

New Avenue for Sales

Taking advantage of the booming auto parts market on eBay opens up new doors to make sales. And since MarketplaceDirect makes it simple to list and process sales, you can enjoy the boost in revenue without the hassle.

MarketplaceDirect FAQs

Do we need to have an established eBay account?

It is best to enroll in MarketplaceDirect and then allow our Customer Support team to walk you through the eBay account set-up. If you already have an eBay account, we can work with your current account and make sure that your set-up options are correct.

How are payments handled within eBay?

In 2020, eBay began using Managed Payments, which will give sellers a single place to sell and get paid without working with a third-party payer.

Who supplies the diagrams?

Part diagrams are acquired through eBay and automatically included in your listings.

Are we going to be able to capitalize on the eBay “Top Rated Seller” rating system?

For the first 30 days, eBay will “boost” your listings as though you are a Top Rated Seller. This will give you a great start. By having active listings and by offering great customer service to your buyers, you should be able to achieve Top Rated Seller status on your own after the first 12 months. If you are already a “Top Rated Seller” and enroll in MarketplaceDirect, your status will not change

How do we create a parts list to be posted on eBay Motors?

You can use pre-determined criteria from your inventory to automatically create MarketplaceDirect listings from within the MarketplaceDirect application. These criteria include: Last Sale Date, Last Received Date, DMS Source, Bin Location, Average Quantity on Hand, Average Sold per Month, or Dealer Cost. You can also upload a list of parts from your DMS or Excel if it is more convenient, but you will need to change the format to .txt or .csv. Customer Support will train and assist you in uploading those files.

Will we be able to setup an overall "Buy Now" pricing formula structure?

All listings are “Buy it Now.” There is not an auction or bidding option. You will be asked to assign a pricing formula to the list of parts that you upload so that pricing can be calculated for the parts on your list. Formulas will be structured as a percentage of Cost Plus, Cost Minus, List Plus, or List Minus. (Cost + 20%, Cost + 0%, List – 50%…)

How is shipping going to be calculated? Like ConsumerLink?

eBay recommends that Dealers offer free shipping. All listings will display “Free Shipping.” Dealers can use the pricing formula to adjust for shipping costs.

Will dealerships have the ability to list accessories?

OEC can list any parts that are provided on the OE Parts Master. If the part is not on the OE Parts Master, the part will not be listed. You can list any accessories that are not in the OE Parts Master using your MyeBay account. However, you will need to manage these listings outside of the MarketplaceDirect process.

How is fitment data created?

eBay uses MOTOR data to identify the Year/Make/Model and VIN matches for listed parts. The process starts when we send the parts that the dealer wants to list over to eBay. In that process, fitment, product features and illustrations are attached to the part and then the listing is created.

What is the upload process for a dealer’s parts files from the time of activation through when the parts will appear on eBay?

Once the dealer is registered in eBay and PayPal, Customer Support will train the dealer on how to create a list. Once the list is created in the MarketplaceDirect application, the parts will be listed the next day. The parts on the list will automatically be listed each day until the quantity in the dealer’s inventory is zero. Although MOTOR data is very complete data, there is a chance that a part might not be in the MOTOR data. When that is the case, MarketplaceDirect will forward these parts directly to eBay with no fitment data or part images so the parts are still able to post.

Can dealers list parts for international sale?

Dealers can use eBay’s Global Shipping Program to sell parts internationally, if elected. Using this program, the dealer will only be responsible for the shipping cost to get the part to eBay’s global shipping center in Kentucky. The buyer will be responsible for any shipping costs from Kentucky to their home address.

How do dealers provide photos to OEC to be added to eBay? What is the process? Do they need to send a particular type of file image?

A diagram will be automatically assigned to the part number for you when the part is sent to eBay for listing.

If a Dealership already has an eBay Store, can the store be transitioned to the MarketplaceDirect product?

Yes, an existing eBay store can be transitioned to be used by MarketplaceDirect. The dealer will no longer be charged a monthly fee for the store once the store is transitioned to MarketplaceDirect. There will also be no “insertion fees”, or eBay listing fees for parts listed through MarketplaceDirect. When the dealer signs up for MarketplaceDirect and creates a file of parts to be listed on eBay, those parts will be sent to eBay and listed within their current store. However, any existing parts in the eBay store that were not uploaded through the MarketplaceDirect process will have to be managed outside of the MarketplaceDirect process using their “My eBay” account.

It is most definitely easier to sell parts with Marketplace Direct. We were doing some selling on eBay on our own. You had to list each piece by itself. Marketplace Direct gets my product out there. Having the opportunity to do multiple lists is a good thing. If I want to list items separately and sell it for less, I can.

Pat Jackson

Parts Manager, All Star Automotive

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