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3 Ways to Improve Shop Relationships (and Online Sales)

It’s a common misconception that you can’t compete against the aftermarket, but there’s not a lot of truth to that notion.

Did you know that 52% of all parts ordering happens outside of normal business hours? This means that your parts need to be available to your customers 24/7. So, if you’re not in the position to hire a second or third shift crew, it’s crucial that your parts are available online and around the clock.

Make parts ordering simple and accessible

Ordering parts should be easy and seamless for your customers – whether it’s in person, over the phone, or online. If you are selling parts online, make sure your parts ordering solution is accessible by computer, tablet, or smartphone.

RepairLink Shop, for example, has a responsive design that adapts to any mobile device – resizing, moving, and re-orienting modules to appear correctly on any device. If a shop is online, they have access to RepairLink and its communications and on-screen order status.
Price your parts right

One of the biggest challenges you probably face is pricing your parts to compete with the aftermarket. You also need to make sure you don’t lose sight of building and maintaining the relationships you have with your shop customers. If you’re selling online, your prices need to reflect what shops can get over the phone – if not better.

Many of our dealers even drive their customers to order online using RepairLink rather than by phone or fax. Why? RepairLink offers deeper discounts on parts with many Manufacturer-Sponsored promotional part programs.

Many of our dealers drive their customers to order online from them via RepairLink rather than over the phone or fax. Why? RepairLink offers deeper discounts on parts with eight Manufacturer-Sponsored promotional part programs.

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