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What to Expect with Performance Coaching

Here are some common questions we get about bringing in a Performance Coach.

Will coaches be a distraction to my counter staff?

Our goal is to work alongside your parts counter staff. Our experience in hundreds of dealerships across the country means we know when to provide advice and when you need to work. When time allows, we discuss and strategize how to get your dealership selling more parts. If your counter staff is working, taking orders and talking to shops, we listen and observe to provide real-time coaching.

What do coaches bring to the table that I don’t already know?

We know the OEC solutions inside and out, and likely other programs as well. We work with dealers and shops every single day and implement best practices and success stories that are proven to work.

Lots of companies claim to have “the answers.” They rarely do. We know our customers are smarter about their day-to-day than we are. It’s not necessarily about knowing more than your counter people, it’s about educating them on how to take full advantage of the tools already available to them, and having the expertise to add new tools where necessary.


Will my inside and outside sales reps use coaching?
We sure hope so! A warm introduction is always suggested to set the stage of consultative help. Your staff needs to know coaching is for them – to help them grow and to make more money. It helps the staff hear you explain that you are investing in them and their personal development, as well as the parts department’s growth. That being said, we have found the more committed leadership is to this process, the more the department will get out of it.

Coaching isn’t about telling people how to do their jobs. A good coach will be the first to acknowledge and recognize if your team is already good at their job. You bring in a coach to educate your team how to get better use out of the programs already available to them. Bottom line: your coach’s job is to help all staff members work smarter (not harder) and sell more parts.

Even if your team is apprehensive at first, it doesn’t take a coach long to become part of the team. A coach is there to help your team grow in their careers (and make more money selling parts), so you shouldn’t be too worried about them getting along with a coach.


What if we are too busy for outside consulting?

If you think your parts department is too busy to get help, then you definitely do need help. Coaching helps your team to work smarter. And regardless of what you are doing, you should always have time to work smarter.



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