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How to further your parts business

These dealers explain the benefits of pushing their parts business even further.
“CollisionLink and DMS Connect, combined with adding a second monitor for each workstation – means our team productivity is substantially higher. There was a onetime setup of shops in CollisionLink to ensure each got the right DMS discount, and now, when the orders come in online, they’re faster and more accurate. Once filled, one button sends them automatically into our DMS. We’re gradually converting shops to online ordering with a goal of going paperless within the next year. I answer directly to the dealership owner, and when I can say that we’re processing more orders with the same amount of people, that’s a good thing.”
Steve H., Parts Manager, Park Chrysler



It’s very easy to pick out trends and see when our orders are going up or down. We’re now able to tie in our CollisionLink and RepairLink information into the PSXLink dashboard and see what’s going on.”
Scott B., North Florida Lincoln

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