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This is the part where you use organized data to
grow your business.

PSXLink lets you take control of your parts sales business by providing you with actionable insights and an easy way to manage your transactional customer data. Now you can navigate parts wholesale growth with reliable insights, dynamic filtering, and reports.


Streamline Your Workflow

Both a business intelligence tool and customer relationship management platform (CRM), PSXLink allows you to access all the information you need—including sales activities, customer interactions, and key data points—right at your fingertips. Now it’s easy to develop action steps from customer trends for a quicker workflow and increased revenue.

CRM Designed for
Wholesale Parts

With PSXLink, your parts department can:

  • Monitor all sales activities
  • Schedule follow-up communications
  • Track key data points
  • Receive automated reports to alert you to at-risk customers
  • View account purchase history, order details, notes, and more with mobile-friendly design

Track Progress

Tracking parts department performance is now the easy part of your day with:

  • Interactive dashboards to take the guesswork out of performance tracking
  • The ability to assign follow-up tasks and schedule reminders
  • Automated reports on sales activities and progress
  • Insights to help you stay on top of team performance

Business Intelligence, Simplified

PSXLink gives you a suite of business intelligence tools to help you make proactive, confident decisions. Combining the power of PSX with the richness of RepairLink & CollisionLink data, PSXLink offers insights into your parts department performance on a smart, streamlined solution.

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This is the Part Where You Get Organized Data to Help Grow Your Business.

PSXLink can make your average parts associate look like a rock star! Its detailed reports help manage proactive sales follow-up, whether you are thanking new customers, troubleshooting customers whose trends are falling off, or confirming current customer satisfaction.

Parts Director

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